Thursday, February 11, 2010

Car Plate

I used to wish to have a car plate with the initial of my name-WPY...but now i think it’s cool to have this...DSC02086 p/s:this is not my car...


♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...



If and only if I can have this plat as well~


123434325 said...

last time when one of my friend get his new car was WSM i was thinking it is close to WTF! Than I thought why not buy a Number Plate WTF 6767! haha nice right!

Jack Ng said...

hi hi .....
WTF ...... good .... hahaha !!! said...

WTH also a nice alternative!

elmie said...

yeah, it'd be a great conversation piece. hehe

Anonymous said...

Yeah,Great post.Last summer I visit National Numbers in UK for get Car number plates.